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영어독립 30일차 The mountains in lobor One day, the moutains surrounding a village started moving. smoke rose from the mountain peaks, the earth was shaking, trees were crashing down, and huge rocks were falling. The villagers were sure that something horrible was going to happen. They waited and waited, but nothing happened. Then suddenly, there was an even stronger earthquake, and a huge crevice formed on the.. 2022. 9. 20.
영어독립 29일차 Lately, farmers around the world are beginning to consider seaweed farming because seaweed is not only nutritious but also environmentally friendly to farm. 최근에, 해조류는 영양가가 풍부할 뿐만 아니라 친환경적 양식이 가능하기 때문에 세계의 농부들이 해조류 양식을 고려하기 시작했다. lately A are beginning to B 최근 A가 B하기 시작했다고 한다 nutritious 영양가가 높은 2022. 9. 16.
영어독립 28일차 영Either A or B : A와B 중 둘 중 하나 Neither A nor : B A와B 중 어느 것도 아닌 예문) we should either have brunch before we leave or have a late lunch once we get here. 우리는 출발하기 전에 브런치를 먹든지 도착해서 늦은 점심을 먹든지 해야겠다. Neither suzy nor brian wants to do the dishes. 수지와 브라이언 누구도 설거지를 하고 싶어하지 않는다. do the dishes 설거지를 하다 2022. 9. 14.
영어독립 27일차 Majority 다수 예문) The majority of the employees voted to receive meal allowance for welfare. 대다수의 직원들이 복지제도로 식대 지원에 투표했다. The majority of my family has low alcohol tolerance 우리 가족 대부분은 낮은 알콜 내성을 가지고 있다.(술을 잘 마시지 못함) welfare 복지 tolerance 용인, 내성 2022. 9. 13.