Going through a hard time.
힘든 시간을 보내다.
take time off (일,활동등을) 잠시 쉬다
hard time 힘든 시간
Gloria is going through a hard time. Let her take some time off to get better.
글로리아는 지금 지금 힘든 시간을 보내고 있다. 글로리아가 회복 할 수 있도록 잠시 시간을 주자.
영어독립 74회차
The fly and the Bull 파리와 황소 A fly flew across a meadow settled on the tip of a bull's horn. After resting for a short time, he was ready to fly away. But before he left, he apologized to the bull for using his horn as a place to rest. "You must b