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영어독립 70회차

by 언더라인S 2023. 11. 6.


break a leg! 행운을 빌어!

; 주로 무대 위에서 포퍼먼스를 보여주는 연기자나, 연주자등을 응원할 때 사용




Are you going to the audition now? Break a leg!

지금 오디션 보러가니? 행운을 빌어!





The Fox and the Grapes


영어독립 69회차

The Fox and the Grapes 여우와 포도 One day, a fox noticed beautiful ripe grapes haning from a vine along some tree branches. The fox's mouth watered as he looked at them. The grapes hung from a high branch, so the fox had to jump to get them. He jumpe




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